Ilpra continues with its plan to reduce co2 emissions

Ilpra continues its plan to implement greater corporate sustainability, following up the announcement made on March 3rd, 2021.
In particular, the Company has completed the conversion process started in previous years, which involved upgrading its machinery with sophisticated brushless motors and modern technologies that have enabled energy savings and a considerable reduction in CO2 emissions.
Furthermore, Ilpra has signed a supplementary contract for the photovoltaic plant at the Mortara headquarters, the heart of the entire production process. In this way, the self-made electricity production rises to 544.22 KW, covering almost the entire company’s energy requirements. As a result, significant cost savings and supply security have been ensured.
Ilpra does not generate air emissions and does not discharge into water or soil any type of pollutant material resulting from its production processes. The company has also installed two 22 kW electric columns for fast charging of electric or hybrid cars, which are replacing traditional ones with heat engines. Since the installation of the photovoltaic system, Ilpra has avoided the emission of about 400 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Maurizio Bertocco, President and CEO of ILPRA, said: “Sustainability is an improvement aimed at consolidating the competitiveness of companies through measurable initiatives such as those implemented by us. We believe that sustainable growth must pay increasing attention to social and environmental issues”.